Apr 12, 2006
Apr 11, 2006
Feb 2006: Foursquare Convention Cambodia
In Feb. we attended the Cambodia Foursquare Pastors Convention with the national leaders from many SE Asia countries: (Sitting from left)---
Missionary to Cambodia (Ted Olbrich) and Pastor John Watson on night 1!
The above slides show various Cambodian dances, as the convention kicks off. Cambodians are discovering the Lord as well as re-discovering their heritage after the fall of Pol Pot's regime.
There is nothing like sharing and laughing with believers from other countries. We find ourselves in the common love of the Lord!
The Foursquare orphanages in
Is there anything more beautiful? These orphan children whose families were destroyed by the K. Rouge in Pol Pot's regime find Christ....and new hope!
Pastors Joshua and Peter from Vietnam!!! I wish you could meet these 2 great men. They have been persecuted several times for sharing the Gospel....and yet their hearts and smiles are as wide as the Mekong River! They are true heroes!
Pastors John (President, Foursquare Thailand) and Dton (Pastor, Good News Foursquare Church, Bangkok)