Nov 1, 2007

New house church in Baan Phru

After a KidsQuest Outreach in the small village of Baan Phru, we were invited to this nearby house church for lunch.

After lunch, we shared stories, then Gary preached a message to the group.

The house is owned by a very kind man and his family. He is in the picture with Paula (below).
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Hat Yai KQ outreach Oct. 13, 2007

Gary and Paula trained a Thai KidsQuest performance team from Cornerstone Hat Yai Foursquare Church, who then performed an Outreach in the community center in the small village of Baan Phru in southern Thailand.
The whole church got involved, some made signs, some drove buses to the site, some were in the show, etc. It was great.

Some of the drama performers were quite young, and very good!

More than 50 kids from the village responded to the gospel message.

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