Jun 27, 2008

Evangelism Through Church Businesses (ETCB)

This is Oasis Coffee Shop in Mae Sot.

Gary developed a ministry called ETCB (Evangelism Through Church Businesses) and he was a consultant for this business, which is operated by Foursquare Missionary, Diana Gilbert.

Mae Sot is in northern
Thailand on the Burmese border.

The Oasis sells items made by the at-risk children at Home of Hope and also by Karen and Burmese refugee children from ELPIS Migrant School, by which the profits help to support the children.

Oasis also offers English classes and an
International Church service. In the ETCB
program, profit is encouraged, and community
outreach and evangelism is essential.

Oasis offers free wireless internet, as
well as great coffee, exceptional bakery items
and other services.
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Spring 2008

Gary gave a presentation about
Children's Evangelism/Disclipleship and the KidsQuest program to a group of 8 churches in northern Thailand.

Dr. U and Paul from Burma. We are working with them to translate materials into Burmese.
There are millions of Burmese refugees in Thailand.

Gary outside of Hope of Maesot Church before
a presentation.

One of our house church meetings. From left to right: Joy is from Burma, Rosemary was born in India, John is Thai, Gary is from America, and Mark Amir is from Pakistan.

Kids, Training, and Preaching 2008

Gary and some of his friends after a kids evangelism outreach in Hang Dong in May. One of these kids has AIDS. All of these kids have received Jesus as their Lord, and are in an ongoing discipleship program.

The New Life Center youth team that we trained in the KidsQuest children's evangelism/disclipleship program. Their vision is to have a thriving Children's Church, and they are well on their way!

Here, Gary is preaching at Foursquare Church of the Promise in Bang Na, Thailand. His translator, Hin, is the son of the Foursquare Pastor, Louis.

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Children's KidsQuest Outreach May 2008

A KidsQuest outreach in Hang Dong. The youth team from New Life Center performed this "Show" for the kids on May 10, 2008.

The Thai youth team picked these kids up in trucks, brought them to the Center ,and did a great job ministering to them.

Part of the Outreach includes this game which teaches kids about right and wrong.

About 90 of these kids prayed to receive Jesus
into their hearts! These kids are continuing to
come to this center every week to learn more about God.

Paula and a couple of sweethearts.
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